The November 2015 Bothell City Council Candidates have filed with the state and are getting ready for the coming elections.
In order to start the conversation concerning the upcoming elections, The Bothell Reporter has requested the same questions from each candidate. This is only the first of the coverage The Bothell Reporter will be giving during the City Council elections.
Today, we have a question and answer session with Robert “Bob” Carsrud, who is running for position 4 in the 2015 Bothell City Council Elections.
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[Deanna Isaacs] What is your background experience?
[Bob Carsrud] I am a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of post-licensure experience, including experience in program development and administration. I have also volunteered in the campaigns of several candidates for local, statewide, and national offices.
[DI] What skills or experiences do you believe will help you on the council?
[BC] One of my strengths is the ability to listen to and validate the opinions of others. We all think of our own worldview as “normal,” and tend to shut out the thoughts and opinions of those who hold a different worldview. We often rob ourselves of opportunities to learn and grow when we do so. I believe that the City of Bothell is at a crucial juncture where an ability to listen, hear, and communicate will be essential.
[DI] What motivated you to run for city council?
[BC] I am concerned about the challenges facing Bothell in the near future, especially regarding rebuilding public confidence in the City Council. I am motivated by the desire to rebuild the public’s trust in the Council. I want to bring my own knowledge and opinions to the Council, and I want to learn from the knowledge and opinions of the other Council members. Together we can build trust with each other and with the community.
[DI] Why run now, rather than in previous years? (OR if you’ve previously run) What made you decide to run this year versus other years?
[BC] In my opinion the challenges currently facing the city call for a Council member with my unique skills and experience, leading me to conclude that this is the right time for me to run.
[DI] What issues are you concerned with the most?
[BC] Restoring public confidence in City leadership, continuing the Downtown Revitalization Plan in a fiscally responsible manner, and seeking an adequate solution to the Wayne Golf Course situation.
[DI] What issues do you believe are of importance to Bothell?
[BC] Same as #5.
[DI] Why did you pick this position over other positions, open or otherwise?
[BC] I want to see a balance of worldviews represented by the candidates for each position in order to allow the voters of Bothell to select the candidates who will best represent them on the Council. To the best of my knowledge, Position 4 was the position least well-represented by a candidate with a worldview similar to my own.
[DI] Do you believe the people of Bothell will support you and why?
[BC] I believe that there are many people in Bothell who will be encouraged by my vision for the future of the city and who will support me. When I asked a friend for his opinion on whether or not I should run for City Council, he replied that he sees me as intelligent, kind, and possessing integrity, and that these are valuable characteristics for a City Council member. I hope that as the citizens of Bothell get to know me better, they will come to share his opinion. .
[DI] What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Bothell City Council?
[BC] Rebuilding trust in City leadership. Any decisions that are made about the future of the Wayne Gold Course or any possible revisions in the City’s code of ethics will have a significant impact on whether trust is built or undermined.
[DI] What are you looking forward to most about the upcoming election?
[BC] I look forward to meeting more of my fellow Bothell citizens, and learning more about the wants, needs, wishes, and dreams of the people who share life in this wonderful city.