Commute trip reduction efforts eliminates drive-alone Snohomish County trips

Community Transit’s Choice Connections program promotes smart transportation options throughout Snohomish County.

The following is a release from Snohomish County Community Transit:

Community Transit’s Choice Connections program promotes smart transportation options throughout Snohomish County. In 2015, these commute trip reduction efforts combined to eliminate 538,696 drive-alone trips and 5.8 million pounds of CO2 from the air we breathe.

Two innovative incentive programs are offered in Snohomish County to help reduce traffic congestion and pollution, and encourage healthy travel options.

· Smart Commuter Rewards is an incentive program that helps large businesses motivate employees to reduce their drive-alone trips to work.

· Curb the Congestion promotes smart transportation options to residents and employees on six of Snohomish County’s most congested corridors.

The Choice Connections program recognizes individuals and worksites in Snohomish County and the City of Bothell that support Washington State Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) goals. They go above and beyond to use smart transportation alternatives to driving alone, and encourage workers to do so.

Each quarter, Community Transit recognizes standout participants and employers who are dedicated to smart transportation choices. On March 23, the agency will recognize the year’s best at the Choice Connections Awards Luncheon.