Kenmore wins statewide excellence award

The city was recognized for its economic development strategy.

The city of Kenmore was one of only five cities in the State of Washington to win an Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Municipal Excellence Award, presented on June 27 at the annual AWC conference in Yakima. Mayor David Baker and Assistant City Manager Nancy Ousley accepted the award on the city’s behalf at the conference.

“Our Municipal Excellence Award winners are all truly deserving of recognition,” AWC Chief Executive Officer Peter B. King stated in a press release. “These five communities have undertaken innovative projects that have improved quality of life in their communities.”

The competition is open each year to any Washington city or town. The cities of Sequim, Walla Walla, Lakewood and Friday Harbor were also recognized.

Kenmore earned the Municipal Excellence Economic Development Award for its “Kenmore + Local Business: Connecting and Growing” project. AWC highlighted Kenmore’s creation of a business alliance and incubator, demonstrating its community as a place of opportunity, cultivating existing businesses, and inviting new ones.

Kenmore adopted its first Economic Development Strategy in 2009, with goals to promote Kenmore, support old and attract new business, provide a walkable downtown, and connect the community to the waterfront. The strategy proved to be a successful roadmap for significant development and smart economic growth, according to a city press release.

Private sector investment in a walkable, vibrant Downtown Kenmore is approaching $100 million since 2014. In addition and over the last decade, the city has leveraged over $80 million in federal, state, and local dollars to improve safety and beautify the streetscape on SR-522 between 61st and 83rd Avenues Northeast. In 2016, voters approved a $19.5 million “Walkways and Waterways” bond measure – the city’s first – to invest in five significant sidewalk, park and waterfront access projects, one of which is already completed.

The Kenmore City Council will be adopting an updated Economic Development Strategy later this month, setting the stage for the next five to 10 years.

“Kenmore is well positioned for continued responsible, quality investment in our downtown, and along the waterfront,” Baker stated. “This entire community works together to propel Kenmore forward. It’s something to see.”

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