Governor’s budget will cost lives


Regarding Gov. Christine Gregoire’s budget, eliminating services such a disability lifeline will cost people their lives.

The governor’s suggestion that “communities help each other in place of government,” is not realistic. While we should all do what we can to help those around us during these difficult times, it is immoral for the government to put people’s livelihoods and lives at stake. These cuts will dismantle our health-care safety net while simultaneously creating more demand for its services.

Community health centers, such as SeaMar, are at risk. Our legislators have their chance now to create a budget in January that leaves the safety net intact.

They must ask themselves if cutting each program will cost lives. If the answer is yes, they can’t shrug their responsibilities and hope others will step up.

We must hold our legislators accountable to restore health-care funding.

Timothy Timmons, Bellevue