UW Bothell master of education student Joshua Kwon is the institution’s first Martinez Fellow.
Kwon, who received his undergraduate degree in mathematics from UW Seattle in 2012, was awarded for his preparation as a high school mathematics teacher.
Founded in 2008, The Martinez Foundation is Washington state’s only organization committed to providing scholarships and support programs to teachers of color in underserved public schools.
Holli Martinez, UW Bothell ‘08, is the founder and board president of The Martinez Foundation. She said awarding a fellowship at UW Bothell carries special meaning.
“I am delighted to have our first Martinez Fellow representing UW Bothell. My experience as a student attending UW Bothell was one of the most rewarding in my life,” says Martinez. “The idea for The Martinez Foundation and our work focusing on equity in education was born on the Bothell campus. The Martinez Foundation is very excited to partner with UW Bothell in a collaborative effort to positively impact the next wave of teacher leaders in our state.”
Kwon joins 21 other students representing six partner universities from around the state of Washington to form Cohort 5, the largest Martinez Fellows cohort ever. As a Martinez Fellow, he will participate in several Martinez Foundation support programs, including an annual conference where he will connect with experts in his field, professional development seminars and one-to-one mentoring.
“Kwon’s experience and skills will open doors for students who need to be valued for their own unique backgrounds,” said Dr. Bradley Portin, director of the UW Bothell Education Program. “His energy and desire to make a difference are what we most hoped for in our first Martinez Fellow.”
Kwon is devoting his energy toward finding innovative ways to teach math that will engage more diverse classrooms.
“Math often gets misrepresented as a linear, black and white subject. We can do better. We can engage diverse students and students with special needs by diversifying its instruction,” Kwon said.
Kwon represents math with auditory and visual forms, even using technology in his curriculum. He says he was inspired by Dr. Robin Angotti, UW Bothell Teaching Program faculty. Angotti demonstrates teaching using Xbox Kinect, a video game tool that uses motion capture to display and manipulate information on TV screens.
“Showing the colors of mathematics can engage students with all its positive aspects,” Kwon added, “Always be surprising.”