Junior-highers don’t read enough


Did you know that 16 out of 20 people in school do not read an hour a day? I asked 20 students at my school this question, “Do you read an hour a day?” In most cases, 16 to be exact, the answer was “No.” Now I have a question for you, “Do you read an hour a day?” Reading is extremely beneficial and it can help you in the long run. Its key benefits include better vocabulary, a smarter mind and, most of all, they are just plain fun. Books and articles like the ones in the Bothell Reporter are very interesting, they can be about action, adventure, drama, romance and my personal favorite, comedy. If you read an hour a day, starting now, you could quite easily get into a better university, or get a better job or even a internship at the age of 16. What do you like? Whatever it is, take a leap and start reading about that or any other subject today. Now for starters, you could at least read through this entire paper, even the ads!

Ihlal Mustafa, Bothell