We think there is a broader desire within our Kenmore community to have a place where veterans can be remembered and recognized 365 days per year, a place where anyone can go at anytime. The features and location should be kept simple and easily accessible.
My son, Cooper, and I would like to meet with any veterans and/or community members that would like to discuss available options and opportunities. We view this as an opportunity to create a place of tribute, honor and reflection. While the city of Kenmore may be able to help by securing the proper location, we like to believe that individual community members will be the most creative and innovative in seeking real solutions.
If you are interested in helping or know of a veteran or community member that would like to meet to discuss the merits of this idea please feel free to call us at (425) 481-8816 or e-mail us at smithdawg85@gmail.com. Cooper and I would like to hear from you.
Lastly, please take the time to learn about a recently proposed renewal for the successful Veterans and Human Services Levy in King County. This six-year levy expires at the end of 2011 and 50 percent of the levy funds are designated for the benefit of our veterans. The levy rate is $.05 for every $1,000 of assessed value — about $20 per year on a house that is assessed at $400,000.
I would urge you to educate yourself on the value of this county wide levy.
Brent Smith
Cooper Smith