With fall quickly approaching, the city of Bothell is offering the following events to give citizens the opportunity to give back to the community and enjoy the season’s change:
Salmon-watcher volunteers needed
The city is seeking volunteers to identify and record species and numbers of spawning salmonids in North Creek tributaries from September to December. This helps local scientists track the amount/distribution of adult spawning salmon and is used by policy makers and the public to improve aquatic resource management. Volunteers must attend one training session. All are 7-9 p.m.
● Sept. 10, at Bellevue City Hall (450 110th Ave. N.E.)
● Sept. 15, at Renton Community Center (1715 S.E. Maple Valley Highway)
● Sept. 17, at Woodinville City Hall (17301 133rd Ave. N.E.)
● Sept. 24, at the Good Shepherd Center (4649 Sunnyside Ave. N., Seattle).
Rain garden workshops
Rain gardens are designed as a shallow depression in the soil landscaped with perennial flowers and native vegetation that soak up rainwater. Residents can create a rain garden on their property and divert the stormwater from their roof, driveway or sidewalk to this garden. Learn to create your own rain garden at one of two free workshops at the Bothell Police Community Room (18410 101st Ave. N.E.).
No registration is necessary.
● Sept. 16, 7-9 p.m.
● Sept. 19, 10 a.m. to noon.
During the fall, leaves and other debris drop on our roads and cover the storm drains. This debris can clog the system and prevent stormwater from moving away from a property. Help reduce flooding by joining the Adopt-a-Drain program and helping to clear the storm drains in Bothell neighborhoods. The city will provide some equipment and simple instructions. For details on any event, contact Surface Water Coordinator Janet Geer at janet.geer@ci.bothell.wa.us.