Eric Teegarden will make an excellent Snohomish Public Utility District (PUD) commissioner. Eric has a lifelong commitment to the environment and works in the field of renewable energy. He knows there are better ways to generate sustainable energy than the construction of the Sunset Falls Hydroelectric Project. Mr. Teegarden believes spending ratepayer funds on a dam on the Skykomish River betrays the public’s interests. Ms. Vaughn supports the Sunset Falls Dam because she has neither the skill set nor the drive to set the PUD on a course of sustainability.
The construction of Sunset Falls Dam is deeply flawed because:
1. It’s hugely expensive, (from $150 to $170 million for 13.7 MW)
2. It will reduce the river to a trickle, destroying one of the last wild rivers in North America
3. Sunset Falls Dam undercuts the intent of a citizen-passed initiative I-937, now law, that mandates state utilities transition to renewable sources of energy, 3 percent by 2012 to 20 percent by 2020. New hydroelectric dams do not meet the renewable energy standard to make up that percentage. Does PUD plan to lobby our State Legislature to change this law?
PUD is now spending ratepayer money to get permits and buy land in preparation of the Sunset Falls Hydroleclectric Project in exchange for a questionable amount of power generation (think reduced flow from receding glaciers!).
Commissioner Teegarden would offer better ways to spend ratepayer funds: enhanced conservation (the least costly way to achieve sustainability), education and strengthening the Solar-Express Program for renewable energy incentives.
Cathy Ferbrache-Garrand, Bothell