Van Ness and Sperry deserve re-election | Letter

In her letter to the editor of June 21 (“Appreciate Bothell and its history"), Erika Kienast asks, “How many of us truly love where we live?

In her letter to the editor of June 21 (“Appreciate Bothell and its history”), Erika Kienast asks, “How many of us truly love where we live?

As a Kenmore resident for 52 years, I can answer with an enthusiastic, “Yes, I love where I live.”

My wife and I raised three children here and have seen many positive changes over the years, especially since Kenmore incorporated as a city.

I am thankful for the work the Kenmore City Council has accomplished, including the recent sale of the Kenmore Village and Park & Ride properties to well-established developers. Now that the economy has taken an upturn, we can look forward to doing more of our shopping close to home.

And we just received the good news that our council succeeded in obtaining state funding for a town green where we and others can gather.

I am thankful for the fiscal responsibility and foresight the council exercised in the purchase and construction of Kenmore’s City Hall. The cost of construction was $6.5 million less than the original bid, and the city incurred no debt. My wife and I have attended many meetings at City Hall, and we are impressed with the design, functionality, and environmentally-friendly features of the building. It is truly an asset for Kenmore.

The council also made a wise decision to complete the upper level and the underground parking lot at that time. They planned the building for growth. If they had expanded it in years to come, the costs would have been much higher.

When the King County Sheriff’s Office moved out of their office space in Kenmore, the Kenmore police could no longer share King County’s office space. Fortunately, the Kenmore police were able to move into the upper level of Kenmore City Hall.

I am pleased that the council was able to obtain federal money to finish State Route 522 (Bothell Way) from 65th to 61st Avenue Northeast. It was one of the few areas that received money for construction in the last year. And the new stop light and upgraded intersection at 61st and Northeast 181st Street has greatly increased safety and mobility.

Having been involved in Little League and other youth sports, I applaud the council’s efforts in working with Bastyr University to provide the use of ball fields, as well as the council’s obtaining funding for playground equipment at Log Boom and Rhododendron parks and the soon-to-be constructed playground at Northshore Summit Park.

This council is also accessible. I have communicated with each one and have found them eager to listen and respond to my concerns. We are fortunate to live in a city where our council members truly care about the citizens and what is best for Kenmore. I have found the council and city government to be open and transparent in all their actions.

I appreciate the hard work that each member of the present Kenmore City Council has done, and I have full confidence in Allan Van Ness and Laurie Sperry to continue their excellent work on behalf of the citizens of Kenmore. Because of their integrity and tireless work for the city, they deserve re-election.

Bill Roetcisoender, Kenmore resident for 52 years