The November 2015 Bothell City Council Candidates have filed with the state and are getting ready for the coming elections.
In order to start the conversation concerning the upcoming elections, The Bothell Reporter has requested the same questions from each candidate. This is only the first of the coverage The Bothell Reporter will be giving during the City Council elections.
Today, we have a question and answer session with John Lee, who is running for position 6 in the 2015 Bothell City Council Elections.
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[Deanna Isaacs] What is your background experience?
[John Lee] I grew up in Bothell, graduated from Bothell High School and have been fortunate enough to buy the home I grew up in here raise my children in Bothell. I have worked as a senior executive in the defense contracting and security consulting industries. I have worked in 78 global markets and managed large budgets and personnel throughout the world.
[DI] What skills or experiences do you believe will help you on the council?
[JL] Clarity, judicious decision-making, a listening ear, balance and decisive action are trademarks of my leadership abilities thus far and I believe they will stand me in good stead on the council. I have worked with a diverse group of people and been able to bring them together to achieve shared goals. I believe our City Council needs a leader who can unite both the city and the council.
[DI] What motivated you to run for city council?
[JL] Bothell is at a critical juncture in its life as a burgeoning city. I want to help shape it in a forward thinking way but with respect for its historical character and flair. I also believe that we need mature leaders with business experience to keep government on task and on budget.
[DI] Why run now, rather than in previous years? (OR if you’ve previously run) What made you decide to run this year versus other years?
[JL] I am very interested in helping to move Bothell up the levels of sustainable and qualitative growth and it seems to me that this is a good time to do so. I am also concerned about proposals to increase taxes without additional accountability. I believe that Bothell City government needs fiscal discipline.
[DI] What issues are you concerned with the most?
[JL] [I’m concerned with] keeping us focused on the health and welfare of Bothell and its citizenry as it grows [with a] healthy balance, reducing factionalism and division as the Bothell community changes physically and demographically, and allowing Bothell to grow without excessive regulations and oversight by government.
[DI] What issues do you believe are of importance to Bothell?
[JL] Quality of life as it relates to the many facets of life such as: traffic, population density, public/common areas, natural setting, public services such as police, fire, roads, schools
[DI] Why did you pick this position over other positions, open or otherwise?
[JL] When I learned Council Member Lamb would not be seeking re-election I thought it was important for the Council to have an experienced leader with strong financial experience to replace him.
[DI] Do you believe the people of Bothell will support you and why?
[JL] Yes, because I am a non-political person. I have never run for any public office and do so now only because I think I can help shape Bothell’s future positively with the advice and consent of the community and fellow leaders in and out of City of Bothell. I do not believe in spin or political gamesmanship and want to see less of both in Bothell.
[DI] What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Bothell City Council?
[JL] Maintaining rational momentum of urban and suburban growth in the face of pressures placed on Puget Sound area’s explosive growth (Eastside and Seattle) which has strong ripple effect on the surrounding communities like Bothell
[DI] What are you looking forward to most about the upcoming election?
[JL] Candidates to be selected by ability, vision of the future, and integrity. Keeping mud-slinging to zero or minimal levels.