The new 2015 to 2016 Biennium Budget has been passed by the city of Bothell. In the new budget there are many continuations of the previous biennium budget, but there are a few new things, too.
The city took advantage of the 1 percent increase in property taxes for both the 2015 and 2016 year budgets, though the council will have to re-approve the 1 percent increase for the 2016 budget.
Another change in the coming year from the new budget is the changing of the parks manager position. Currently, the parks manager is under the public works department. Under the new proposal the parks manager position would turn into a parks director overseeing a new Bothell Parks Department within the city of Bothell. The parks manager position would be rolled over into the new director position.
The General Funds account is used for both public works and parks projects; this would still be so after the new department and position are created.
Along with the new positions, the biennium budget also hopes to bring the city’s minimum reserve to 13-percent of the General Fund expenses, with any other one-time revenues to be allocated toward getting closer to the pre-recession level of 15-percent, an approximately $960,000 gap between current reserve goals and the pre-recession levels.
The city’s financial office encourages Bothell citizens to read the City Manager’s Message in the 2015-2016 Biennium Budget, a 14-page letter that includes summaries of plans within the budget.
“The city recognizes its ethical and fiduciary responsibility to its citizens to carefully account for public funds, wisely manage municipal finances, and plan adequate funding for the services and facilities desired and needed by the public,” said City Manager Rob Stowe in the message. “Overall, the 2015-2016 Recommended Budget is a comprehensive plan for allocating community resources to promote the community’s chosen goals and to fund vital municipal services on which Bothell citizens and commercial residents rely.”
A copy of the 2015-2016 Biennium Budget can be found at, under ‘City Services’, ‘Administration’, Budget & Finance Office’, and ‘Budget Documents.’